In accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), a site-specific Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) should be both proportionate to the degree of flood risk, and appropriate to the scale, nature, and location of the proposed development. For this reason we offer flood risk advice ranging from outline position statements, to formal Flood Risk Assessment reports; all specifically tailored to your project needs.
What level of Flood Risk Assessment is right for you?
For smaller sites within Flood Zone 1, a Flood Risk Assessment Statement may be all that is required to accompany a development proposal.
For larger sites within Flood Zone 1 (>1 hectare); or those located within a Critical Drainage Area (CDA), or identified by the Local Planning Authority (LPA) as having drainage issues; a formal Level 1: Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) Screening Study is required. The Level 1 FRA is an interpretative desk study that provides the LPA with the assurance that flood risk has been duly assessed.
For larger sites classified within Flood Zones 2 and 3, we provide a Level 2 Flood Risk Assessment (FRA): Scoping Study. This more in-depth assessment expands the content of the Level 1 assessment to include a site reconnaissance and a quantitative assessment of predicted flood levels across the site using Environment Agency (EA) Flood Level Data for relevant watercourses. The interpretative report discusses Finished Floor Levels; Flood Mitigation Measures; and where appropriate includes a Foul and Surface Water Drainage Strategy.
All our FRA reports provide an interpretative assessment of flood risk; and include the following:
- Reference to the Local Authority Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) and Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP); together with reference to relevant Local Plan policies
- Reference to EA Flood Risk Classification; the EA Risk of Flooding from Rivers and the Sea (RoFRaS) database; and EA Standing Advice
- Assessment of flood risk from all sources (fluvial, surface water, groundwater, and artificial)
- Detail of Historic Flooding
- A definition of Flood Risk and probability
- Flood Hazard Rating and Climate Change
- Flood Risk Mitigation Measures; and (where appropriate)
- Advice on Foul and Surface Water Drainage Strategies
Where applicable, our Flood Risk Assessments are co-ordinated with other service areas to enhance the depth and quality of the overall assessment.
For further information on the service provided and to arrange a consultation please get in touch.